Explore and Search

CoLinks takes exploration seriously. Discovery is the root of finding people you want to connect with, and we offer many ways to discover new Links that may be meaningful for your journey. Our exploration features are aided by LLM AI Vector Indexing, which allows connections to be sought with more meaningful results. Hereโ€™s what we offer:

Sortable Leaderboards

  • Browse leaders in links held, links holding and Rep Score. More leaderboards are coming soon.

Interest Tags

  • You can find people based on interests they have tagged themselves with. Tag your interests in your Account Settings area. You get to tag 8 interests at this time.

Similarity Scoring

  • Our AI vector indexing allows us to use an LLM to identify accounts that have overlap with yours, and you will find these lists in various pages in CoLinks.

  • With a single search, find any key word, Link account, interest tag and even relevant posts within your Linked feed. Press Command-K to pop it up any time.

Last updated