Create An Epoch

Get the team started in Coordinape

Circle Admins

A Circle Admin needs to start an Epoch to get your projects started. Epochs allow admins to frame a date range you would like your team to work within. Like traditional pay periods, members complete work within the Epoch time frame, submit contributions, then get paid after the Epoch ends.

Best practice is for the Circle Admin to add all team members to the Circle before starting the Epoch. For tips on how to add members see Add Team Members

Starting an Epoch:

Details of a a repeating Epoch


  • Full Month

    • Epochs will start on day 1 of the month and end at the end of the month, you only need to choose the month it starts.

  • Custom

    • You can determine the frequency and length of each epoch

    • You will need to choose:

      • Start Date

      • Length (Number of days, weeks, months the Epoch will be active)

      • Frequency (How many days/weeks/months between Epochs)

Admin Settings

Once you save the Epoch, you will see the upcoming Epoch in the Admin panel. You can edit Epochs before and after the start time. However, you cannot edit epochs after they have ended.

How long should your Epoch be?

What length you choose will depend on the type of projects your team is working on and how often you prefer to pay your team.

Things to consider:

Recency Bias: Members tend to allocate based on their recent experiences. If your Epochs are too long, members may forget about work completed at the beginning of the Epoch.

Process Fatigue: Every Epoch requires your team to record contributions and allocate them to team members. If you have a large circle, the frequent allocation could lead to burnout.

Last updated